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Tercules (Paperback)

Tercules (Paperback)
Tercules (Paperback)

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Tercules (Paperback)

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  • Description

There are many “voices” in the world telling us that we’re “too much” of this or “too much” of that. Sometimes the voices say that we’re “not enough” of this or “not enough” of that. If we believe these messages, we miss out on living out the wonder and beauty of being exactly who we were made to be. 

We miss out on being “Just right.”

Thus begins the story of a wild turkey chick who is abnormally strong…Herculean strong. In the midst of ridicule, Tercules must find the beauty of his uniqueness and discover that he can be different and complete. His strength comes to great use, revealing the treasure of his difference, and proving to all that he is an integral member of his flock family. 

Tercules helps children navigate their own journey of understanding their strengths and perceived weaknesses, guiding them to find their perfect place in the world and in their families. This story also introduces young children to adjectives and alliteration using fun repetition.